Our pubco, The Reed Edwards Company is celebrating its 3rd year in business. As a thank you to all of your who helped us reached this milestone we are offering a 30% savings on our books when you order direct from us at www.reededwards.com.
We love to hear that you've enjoyed our books and recommend them to others. So why not give someone an inexpensive gift of a good story? You know our motto: Recommend, don't lend! Book sales put dollars in authors pockets and give us the capital to publish more new writers.
And speaking of new writers... As we move into our next year we hope to bring you two, new exciting and compelling authors.
(More on them at a later date!)
So if you've enjoyed Painting The Invisible Man, Sweet Bitter Love, and Far East Of The Sun, I hope you'll consider giving a copy to someone as a gift.
Just visit www.reededwards.com. We accept credit cards via PayPal...so your payment is safe and secure.
PS. Check out our inspirational refrigerator magnets!
PPS. Feel free to pass this sale notice to your friends and family!
Saturday Share Recipe - 5 Star Italian Bread
20 hours ago